Friday, October 12, 2012

Chipotle Gouda Goetta Macaroni and Cheese

I went to Oktoberfest and a friend bought Goetta Macaroni and Cheese. It was definitely not worth the $4.50 she paid. There was hardly any goetta and what was there was mushy. The mac and cheese wasn't anything to rave about either. I decided to take on the challenge and I think I came up with something that was pretty stinking awesome. It went well with the homemade roasted veggie and tomato soup that I made in my Vitamix along with a glass or two of 3 Blind Moose Merlot (Check out Vinturi's wine aerators. They make an average bottle of wine taste way better. I've never received anything for free from any of these companies, I just like to acknowledge a great product when I find one and warn people when one is a dud.). If you're wondering what goetta is, click here. It may not sound like something that appealing, but give it a shot, it may be your new favorite food. This recipe is not healthy by any means, but it was delicious and my whole family will vouch for that. As for the cheese, I prefer block cheese over pre-shredded cheese, the anti caking powder they put on it messes with the consistency of the sauce.

3-4 ounces White American Cheese (plus extra for topping)
3-4 ounces Cheddar Cheese
4-6 ounces Chipotle Gouda (plus extra for topping)
8 ounces Glier's Goetta (fried until really crispy and crumbly)
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter
10-12 ounces dried macaroni- cooked until al dente
1/2 pinch nutmeg (not much at all, just some for flavor)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4-1/2 teaspoon Sriracha hot sauce, depending on individual taste

Fry goetta until crispy and crumbly. Boil and cook pasta until al dente. In a sauce pan put all of the ingredients except for the pasta, goetta and cheese for topping. Simmer the ingredients over low heat until melted. In a bowl (or in the pan if large enough) combine the cheese sauce, macaroni and 2/3 of the goetta until combined. Transfer the macaroni to a greased baking dish (9x9 or 10x10) and cover with the reserved cheese and goetta. Bake in a 400 degree oven until slightly golden and bubbly.

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