Saturday, October 13, 2012

Roasted Vegetable Tomato Soup

A simple roasted vegetable soup. I served this with Chipotle Gouda Goetta Macaroni and Cheese.

1 onion quartered
2 cloved of garlic in their skin
3 fresh tomatoes
1 red bell pepper
2 cans diced tomatoes (I used one that was mixed with chilies)
5 fresh basil leaves
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Roast the onion, garlic, fresh tomatoes and bell pepper in a 400 degree over for 20-25 minutes. Once roasted, place the onion, garlic (without skins), tomatoes and bell pepper (seeds removed) in a blender with the two can of tomatoes, olive oil and basil. Blend for a minute or two or until completely smooth. Warm the soup through on the stove.

Friday, October 12, 2012

NYC- Patbingsu- Korean Shaved Ice and Fruit Dessert

I was visiting with some friends this past week in New York City and they took us to a Korean place for dinner on W. 32nd Street in Manhattan and then we went a few doors down to this Korean cafe/dessert/bread shop (This place is on the left next to a Korean market. The place we had dinner was a few more places down on the left and had a huge line. Our friends referred to it as "junk Korean" or "street food Korean" because it wasn't good for you but tasted really good. I think the people lining up at the front and back of the restaurant waiting for a space can attest to that as well.). I don't remember the name of either place, but the name of the dessert place sounded French I think and it was super trendy and busy, even at 10:30 pm on a Tuesday night. They insisted that we try the Patbingsu. It consisted of shaved ice with some type of cream or milk poured over it, fruit, some bean/barley powder, sweetened beans, gelatinous rice cubes (aka tteok or rice marshmallows) and ice cream on top. The bowls were huge and it took five of us to finish the two bowls. I have to say, I would definitely recommend giving it a try. If anyone knows the name of this place...please let me know!

7/8/2014 Update: I was in NYC this past week and solved the mystery! The dessert place is called Tous Les Jours and the other restaurant is called KunJip. I highly recommend both of them :)

Chipotle Gouda Goetta Macaroni and Cheese

I went to Oktoberfest and a friend bought Goetta Macaroni and Cheese. It was definitely not worth the $4.50 she paid. There was hardly any goetta and what was there was mushy. The mac and cheese wasn't anything to rave about either. I decided to take on the challenge and I think I came up with something that was pretty stinking awesome. It went well with the homemade roasted veggie and tomato soup that I made in my Vitamix along with a glass or two of 3 Blind Moose Merlot (Check out Vinturi's wine aerators. They make an average bottle of wine taste way better. I've never received anything for free from any of these companies, I just like to acknowledge a great product when I find one and warn people when one is a dud.). If you're wondering what goetta is, click here. It may not sound like something that appealing, but give it a shot, it may be your new favorite food. This recipe is not healthy by any means, but it was delicious and my whole family will vouch for that. As for the cheese, I prefer block cheese over pre-shredded cheese, the anti caking powder they put on it messes with the consistency of the sauce.

3-4 ounces White American Cheese (plus extra for topping)
3-4 ounces Cheddar Cheese
4-6 ounces Chipotle Gouda (plus extra for topping)
8 ounces Glier's Goetta (fried until really crispy and crumbly)
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter
10-12 ounces dried macaroni- cooked until al dente
1/2 pinch nutmeg (not much at all, just some for flavor)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4-1/2 teaspoon Sriracha hot sauce, depending on individual taste

Fry goetta until crispy and crumbly. Boil and cook pasta until al dente. In a sauce pan put all of the ingredients except for the pasta, goetta and cheese for topping. Simmer the ingredients over low heat until melted. In a bowl (or in the pan if large enough) combine the cheese sauce, macaroni and 2/3 of the goetta until combined. Transfer the macaroni to a greased baking dish (9x9 or 10x10) and cover with the reserved cheese and goetta. Bake in a 400 degree oven until slightly golden and bubbly.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Encebollado de Pescado- Recipe

I just got this recipe from a Cuencana. I don't have time to translate it now and I haven't tried it yet, but I will as soon as I can.

Para 5 porciones necesitas:
1 libra de pescado, puede ser albacora, atún o corvina
sal al gusto
5 dientes de ajo
1 libra de cebolla
6 a 8 limones (al gusto)
3 libras de tomate
3 libras de yuca cocinada
1 pimiento
4 ramitas de albaca
1 plátano verde pequeño o la mitad de un grande
1 taza de culantro picado
3 cucharadas de aceite de olivo

Lavar y Cocinar el pescado con 4 tazas de agua, sal, 2 dientes de ajo,
1/2 cebolla picada, medio limón con cáscara, 1 ramita de albaca,
cocinar solo por 5 a 8 minutos. Cernir el agua y reservar, Sacar el
pescado y desmenuzarlo
Aparte en una olla hacer un caldo con 6 tazas de agua, cuando comienze
a hervir agregar las 3 libras de tomates enteros, 1 cebolla picada en
4 partes, el pimiento sin semilla, el culantro y 2 o 3 ramitas de
albaca. Dejar hervir por 10 minutos,y cernir.
Poner en la licuadora el agua del pescado y agregar el plátano pelado,
licuar y agregarlo al caldo cernido, dejar hervir este caldo por 10
minutos, probar la sal y una vez listo agregar la yuca cocinada.
Aparte hacer una salsa con la cebolla, el jugo de limón, sal y aceite de olivo
Servir colocando primero el caldo o sopa, luego poner el pescado
desmenuzado y por último la salsa de cebolla.