Monday, March 11, 2013

Hemp Milk

Yay! I just made hemp milk. It was super easy, and is much cheaper than the quart size containers at the store ($4.50 US). I think this cost about $1.92 for around a quart (I paid around $29.00 US for a 3 pound bag of Nutiva Hemp Seeds). Still not cheap, but much less expensive and better for me since there was nothing added. Some recipes call for sweetener, but I don't like sweet milk, and buy all milks from the store in their unsweetened versions. Although, I do think that vanilla flavored milks are acceptable in some cases. Which leads me to the point- making your own non-dairy milk is the best choice. 100% customizable to suit your personal taste(s)! If you like your milk sweet, go ahead and add some agave or maple syrup. My plan is to make some chocolate hemp milk. I'll be sure to post how that goes.

1/2 cup hemp seeds
3-4 cups filtered water (or more if you desire a lower fat version, but remember that waters down the nutrients, so you're just going to have to consume more in the end)
1 pinch of salt

Blend in your high powered blender for about 90 seconds. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator and use within 3-5 days. Shake well before using because settling will occur. Some people use nut milk bags or cheese cloth to filter the milk, but if I'm paying that much for hemp seeds I want to consume them in their entirety (and of course benefit from all the nutrients and fiber as well)!

Maple Syrup
Cinnamon/nutmeg/vanilla (kind of like horchata?)

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